Orly Herlich
‘We work on an equal footing’ 

An interview with Orly Herlich, Business Services & Solutions team 

Orly Herlich is a business lawyer and certified project manager at FPS. In this interview, she talks about her everyday working life and what she finds particularly exciting about it.  

When and how did you join FPS? 
I have been working at FPS since May 2018. During my studies, I got to know the Israel Desk and FPS as a firm and took on a role as a research assistant. 

What do you do at FPS?  
As a business lawyer and project manager, I am in touch with various contacts in the Israel Desk, our Business Services & Solutions team and different FPS departments. With regard to the Israel Desk, I am primarily involved with strategic development and topics like business development, event management and marketing. In project management, I lead internal workshops and support client work. I focus on the planning, implementation and completion of projects.

What is your typical working day like? 
My day-to-day work varies a lot. In the morning, I plan my ongoing projects and to-do list. In addition, I develop concepts, workshops and products for efficient project work. Of course, interacting with my colleagues to ensure we work in synergy is also essential. 

What makes FPS a good employer for business lawyers?  
The most important elements for me are the strong team and the trust that is placed in us to make our own projects and ideas a reality. That gives business lawyers the opportunity to show what they have to offer in client work as part of a close-knit team.

How are employees supported at FPS? 
Employees receive support and encouragement from their first day here, primarily through the intimate and practice-oriented mentoring programme provided by the firm. 

What do new staff members have to look forward to at FPS? 
A friendly, future-oriented working environment. 

What is the most exciting part of your day-to-day work? 
I find working with Israeli clients and cooperation partners particularly exciting, as their way of working is very different from ours. 

How do you relax away from work at the office? 
Walks in nature, spending time with family and friends, and reading. 

How would you describe working together with the lawyers at FPS? 
On an equal footing. 

What are you most proud of from your time at FPS? 
The respect and appreciation we show each other and the fact that we employees can be part of the development of the firm.