
FPS young professionals

Whether it’s an internship, research assistant post, legal clerkship or role as an associate: FPS young professionals can expect more than just an interesting learning experience and a diverse and inspiring working environment from us. We also provide our talented young staff members with plenty of practical assistance, training them to become lawyers who are among the best in their field.


An experienced lawyer will accompany you from the very beginning as part of our mentoring programme. You will be introduced to all elements of the job step by step and have the opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills with the help of constructive feedback on an ongoing basis. What’s more, you will be integrated into a team of specialists and the current client work from the get-go. Within this process, we make sure that you can specialise in your desired field of law.

Hauke Hansen

‘When training trainees and associates, I primarily try to avoid what used to bother me the most: only being responsible for a small sub-section without knowing anything about the overarching project – and never finding out what happened to my contribution and the job as a whole.’ 

Dr. Hauke Hansen, partner
Annette Rosenkoetter

‘Being there’ is a core element. Our trainees and associates are in the room during meetings. These then result in tasks that become more significant and are handled with greater independence as they gain experience. In this way, the associate automatically becomes another familiar face and contact partner for our clients.

Dr. Annette Rosenkötter, partner
Tobias Törnig

The training at FPS is highly practical. The work young professionals do with us is not intended for a dusty old filing cabinet or done just for the sake of it. Everything they do goes into client work – initially, of course, after an experienced eye has run the rule over it. Through targeted feedback, I help our talented young staff members to excel themselves.

Tobias Törnig, partner
Nina Cohen

A lot of mentoring is about trust. Over the years, I’ve learned that the most effective mentoring relationships are the ones where the mentor and mentee can be open and honest with each other. Flat hierarchies, appreciative, regular feedback from both sides and supporting the individual skills and interests of the younger colleagues are essential to make that a reality.

Dr. Nina Jarass Cohen, partner
Askan Deutsch

I attach great importance to a personal approach and the direct involvement of the younger colleagues in our work. I feel linguistic support is particularly important, because it is the main tool of the trade for all lawyers: a clear and simple choice of words convinces clients, courts and other parties alike. We gradually improve their rhetoric on the basis of our best practices.

Askan Deutsch, partner

FPS experts as guests on the podcast ‘Irgendwas mit Recht’

Episode 247 mit Dr. Tassilo du Mesnil de Rochemont: 
Helping to shape surf parks as a lawyer, part-time doctorate, commercial & IP law

The podcast is provided by ‘Irgendwas mit Recht’ and can be downloaded from the website 

Published on: July 22, 2024

Episode 184 with Jonas Puchelt:  
IT law from a lawyer’s point of view, data breaches, AI and data protection

The podcast is provided by ‘Irgendwas mit Recht’ and can be downloaded from the website 

Published on: October 2, 2023

Episode 144 with Dr Annette Rosenkötter:  
Public procurement law, tenders, EU Single Market, public sector, lawyers as dealmakers

The podcast is provided by ‘Irgendwas mit Recht’ and can be downloaded from the website  

Published on: November 15, 2022

First-hand experience

Further training for young professionals

Our Young Professionals Lecture series and special workshops offer a variety of training modules for all career levels. Regular training courses on practical hard and soft skills round off our training programme. In this process, we also focus on topics with particular current relevance such as legal tech, social media or legal design thinking.

How to FPS
Onboarding programme for a successful start
How to FPS

New impressions, fun experiences and diverse tasks: starting your career is an exciting time. We support you through it and make sure you hit the ground running.

The ‘How to FPS’ programme is aimed at our associates in their first year of work. The onboarding includes a varied range of workshops that cover legal topics as well as soft skills. The focus of the programme is also on getting to know and networking with new colleagues – including those in other departments as well as your own. We look forward to meeting you!

How to FPS Advanced
The series of workshops for associates and senior associates
How to FPS advanced

Varied tasks require a wide range of knowledge and skills. We make sure that you can develop yourself for the long term at FPS.

In the ‘How to FPS advanced’ workshop series, professional coaches and trainers impart knowledge and provide fresh impetus. In this way, our associates and senior associates can grow and further develop their professional and personal strengths.

The platform for your virtual learning journey
The Compass

Modern learning is flexible, individual and available anywhere. The ‘Compass’ digital learning experience platform guides you on the path to new knowledge and abilities.

With more than 200 training courses in the areas of law, legal tech, office tech and soft skills, the ‘Compass’ provides digital training for all FPS employees that makes it fun to acquire new competencies.

Future Tracks

A magazine containing everything that awaits you as a young professional at FPS. Real-life opinions, reports from young colleagues and lots of information about FPS. Get to know us – we look forward to meeting you.

Any questions?

Feel free to get in touch with our HR teams if you have any questions or suggestions. We will be happy to hear from you. However, please ensure you submit your application directly via the application form on our website. This is the only way we can process it promptly. 

Benjamin Onnis
Kurfürstendamm 220
10719 Berlin
Justus Schweizer
Associate für Talent Management
Kurfürstendamm 220
10719 Berlin