
Legal clerkship

There is a lot to look forward to when you complete your legal clerkship at FPS, including a friendly working environment that is ideal for legal skills, understanding of economics and creativity to develop. Together with a mentoring team, you will take on challenging client work and be integrated straight into the team to prepare you for the exam. We support talented young lawyers with our FPS Young Professionals programme: with a great deal of curiosity and fascination for our work, we train them to become lawyers who are among the best in their field.

Aus der Praxis

Angelina Weiskirch
„FPS habe ich bereits als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Referendarin kennengelernt und mich von Beginn an fachlich wie persönlich wohl und wertgeschätzt gefühlt. Der Berufseinstieg war für mich die logische Konsequenz.“

Angelina Weiskirch, Associate (ehem. Referendarin)

The FPS legal clerkship working group

We not only give you enough time for exam preparation, but also provide you with targeted support. In the FPS legal clerkship working group in Frankfurt, you can prepare for the second state examination in small groups: give presentations, discuss recent rulings and work on case solutions in our in-house exam course.

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‘A position at FPS is absolutely the right decision: an appreciative working atmosphere, active involvement in exam-relevant tasks, a good culture of feedback and an open attitude to all questions.’ 

Zoé Joëlle Brück, real estate and construction law
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‘The deep involvement in client work is great. In addition, the Young Professionals events and the legal clerkship working group are a major benefit in preparing for the exam.’ 

Dominik Süß, elective traineeship in public procurement law
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‘Working on exciting cases, court dates, a great team and excellent support – that is just some of what the Litigation department at FPS offers. Exam preparation is supported and it’s a great place to establish contacts. I learned a lot – both professionally and personally!’ 

Lisa Lamb, litigation and dispute resolution
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‘My legal clerkship at FPS is all about direct involvement in client work and personal support. I am involved with work for numerous clients and get to attend hearings. I particularly like the wide range of events with opportunities for networking.’ 

Natalie Fischer, public law


  • The FPS legal clerkship working group
    Simulation of and preparation for the oral exam as well as participation in the exam course under the guidance of a former judge and examiner
  • FPS Law Case
    Provision of extensive literature to prepare for the exam
  • FPS Young Professional Lectures
    Regular lectures and workshops on exam-relevant topics
  • Flexible working hours
    For exam preparation
  • Social events
    Firm events, after-work events, legal clerk and RA lunches, etc.

Benefits during the legal clerkship

Exam preparation

Ready for the exam? You can pass any test with the help of our wide-ranging in-house support.

Flexible working time models

Adapting your work to your life: with our flexible and individual working models, your professional and private life can fit together perfectly.


The legal world is always changing. We offer you regular training courses to ensure that you are ideally prepared for new challenges.

Mentoring programme

Practical experience with the pros: experienced lawyers are there to advise you at the start of your career.

Snacks and drinks

It’s not easy to work on an empty stomach, which is why we make sure you’re always catered for.

Social events

Interact, exchange ideas, have fun together: working relationships can soon turn into friendships at our numerous social events.

Icon Special Deals
Special deals

From technology to travel and lifestyle items: you can benefit from a wide range of exclusive offers on our FPS deals portal.

Any questions?

Feel free to get in touch with our HR teams if you have any questions or suggestions. We will be happy to hear from you. However, please ensure you submit your application directly via the application form on our website. This is the only way we can process it promptly. 

Benjamin Onnis
Kurfürstendamm 220
10719 Berlin
Justus Schweizer
Associate für Talent Management
Kurfürstendamm 220
10719 Berlin