Nina Ayvazova-Mosch
‘I had a good feeling right away.’

An interview with Nina Ayvazova-Mosch, lawyer

Nina Ayvazova-Mosch completed her elective traineeship at FPS and is now a specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law. In this interview, she talks about her field of activity and the support for young lawyers.

This is what it says on my business card:

  • Nina Ayvazova-Mosch, lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law

Corporate law / M&A, commercial law

What brought you to FPS?

I found out about FPS at a careers fair in Heidelberg. I had a good feeling right away – the conversation was very pleasant and the content of the training was impressive, so I applied to do my elective training at FPS. During the interview, I was able to get to know the team in person, which confirmed my initial positive impression. Shortly thereafter, I was accepted and decided to go into my chosen field of corporate law / M&A at FPS.

Your legal clerkship and the start of your career were some time ago now. Why would you recommend FPS to young colleagues?

The legal clerkship was very informative and I couldn’t have imagined a better way to start my career. Even at that stage, I was very well integrated into the corporate team right from the start. Early on, I was familiarised with different ways of working, entrusted with a wide range of tasks and helped with exciting and challenging client work. The firm’s internal exam preparation was a great supplement to that. Under the guidance of a former judge and examiner, we were able to regularly practice case presentations in the in-house legal clerkship working group and received valuable individual feedback and important tips. That helped me immensely in my exam – I had very good time management and knew how to prioritise things, which was then reflected in my grade. I had the best case presentation in my exam group.

You now regularly support the next generation of lawyers yourself – what do you look for in that regard?

For me, it is important that my younger colleagues have a genuine interest in working in commercial and corporate law and are suitably committed. Initially, it is not a question of detailed knowledge of that area of law. Far more important is preparing work with precision and care and attempting to put yourself in the client’s shoes. The subject know-how comes with time and growing experience.

Corporate law / M&A is a broad subject, what topics do you deal with as a lawyer?

I primarily advise domestic companies on all aspects of corporate law, M&A transactions and joint ventures. This includes corporate governance advice for small and medium-sized companies, complex reorganisation measures for corporations and partnerships, and the conception and implementation of company acquisitions and joint ventures.

In addition, I am the contact person for a number of long-term clients who receive advice on corporate law matters on an ongoing basis. In the commercial sector, clients regularly approach me with a wide range of commercial law issues.

I also enjoy corporate and commercial disputes. In this area, I advise and represent my clients both in and out of court. For example, I represented a major entrepreneur from my home country of Bulgaria before the then newly established Commercial Court at the Regional Court of Stuttgart, and thus conducted one of the first cases heard before that court. The focus was on a shareholder dispute, and I managed to successfully defend against the lawsuit.

The combination of all these different fields of consultation makes my day-to-day work very diverse. I really appreciate that.

What do you particularly like about FPS?

A lot of things: the good working atmosphere, the pleasant colleagues, the predominantly well-balanced working hours and the flexibility. Especially as a young professional, I really appreciated the support and trust of the partner responsible for me. As an associate, I never just worked on the sidelines, but was encouraged from the very beginning to seek and establish personal contact with the client so I would become a direct and trusted contact person and get to look after client cases independently as soon as possible.

How do you relax away from work at the firm?

Frankfurt has a lot to offer, whether it is an exhibition, a concert or a hike in the Taunus. Whenever possible, I enjoy time with my friends, having a relaxed evening in a good restaurant, for example. And, of course, spending time with my family in my home country of Bulgaria.