Adelina Kadriu
‘It is a job that I really enjoy doing.’

An interview with Adelina Kadriu, trainee legal assistant


Adelina Kadriu is a trainee legal assistant. In this interview, she talks about her experience so far and what parts of the traineeship in the firm and vocational college she finds particularly interesting.

When and how did you join FPS as a trainee?

I started my traineeship at FPS a year and a half ago. I had been looking to work in an office environment for some time and even during the interview, I already felt at home. I was also impressed by the firm’s central location in the middle of Frankfurt.

What do you learn as a trainee legal assistant at FPS?

You certainly learn how to support the lawyers in their work, how to use new technical programs and how to work in an effective and solution-oriented way as part of a team.

How do you describe your job to friends and family?

It is a job that I really enjoy doing. One of the most important tasks is file management and keeping track of appointments. Commercial activities such as invoicing or communication with clients also make up a large part of my day-to-day work.

What do you study at vocational college and which subject is your favourite?

My favourite subject so far has been ‘Performing tasks in HR’. We cover the wording in letters of reference and dismissal, as well as the rights of employees and obligations of employers, which I find very intriguing. 

How are trainees supported and facilitated at FPS? 

Among other things, the firm offers regular learning sessions with our training coordinator in which we review learning content and go over the subject matter from vocational college again. She and the lawyers are there to help and support me with any questions I have. That is particularly useful when it comes to preparing for exams. FPS also covers travel costs in the form of a trainee ticket. 

What do new trainees and staff members have to look forward to at FPS? 

The whole team is very friendly and open. There is a wide variety of regular events, including departmental excursions, art breaks, after-work events (such as museum visits) and, of course, the annual summer and Christmas parties. Those get-togethers are always enjoyable and strengthen the team spirit. 

What is the most exciting thing that has happened to you in your day-to-day work so far? 

The most exciting thing for me so far was my first court hearing. I was very nervous, but did my best to provide the lawyer with professional support. The atmosphere was something completely new and different for me, as I had never been in a courtroom before. 

What is the atmosphere at FPS like? 

You work together in different teams and a lot of emphasis is placed on collaboration between them. The working atmosphere is good and I enjoy going to work every day. 

How do you relax away from work at the office? 

I love going out with my friends and, of course, I also spend time with my family, which is very important to me.

How would you describe working together with the lawyers at FPS? 

I would definitely say you can talk to the lawyers about anything. The interaction is respectful and they are always ready to listen. I’m not afraid to ask questions and, of course, we are able to have a laugh as well. 

What are you most proud of from your time at FPS? 

An event from last year, the Real Estate Symposium, sticks in my mind. The event is held annually by the firm with up to 600 guests. I was involved in the planning and also helped on-site. That was a special occasion. I really like the fact that FPS involves us in projects as big as that even as trainees.