Economically challenging times and ever more complex regulation pose numerous challenges for credit and financial services institutions. FPS advises and represents these banks and financial service providers in all aspects of their business activities. With expertise in banking and financial law acquired over the course of many years as well as in-depth market knowledge, FPS lawyers find optimal answers to complex questions, including when implementing new regulatory requirements, structuring finance, realising loan collateral in insolvency, defending against claims asserted by bank customers and when dealing with matters concerning investment and capital markets law.

In providing regulatory advice, FPS experts help their clients to obtain permits for certain business activities. As a member of the board of trustees of the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) at Goethe University Frankfurt, FPS is well connected.


  • Regulatory law

    FPS has many years of experience in dealing with the relevant institutions (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, Bundesbank) and precise knowledge of the relevant banking regulations. Our lawyers pay particular attention to establishing constructive relations between the competent authorities and the executive bodies of the credit and financial services institutions they represent. They further support their clients in the supervision of the securities markets when complying with the rules of good conduct pursuant to the German Securities Trading Act (Sections 31 ff.) and the associated administrative procedures.

  • Leasing / factoring

    FPS has many years of experience in factoring and leasing law and offers comprehensive support. FPS advises on the drafting of the relevant contracts (factoring agreements and leasing, hire-purchase and rental agreements for movable assets) and represents factoring and leasing companies in court and before the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). 

  • Retail banking

    FPS provides solid advice and legal representation covering all aspects of the bank–customer relationship in the retail banking sector. Our expertise includes adapting the contracts and terms and conditions used in retail banking to new legal requirements in the area of consumer loan and payment service framework agreements and ensuring that innovative banking products are legally compliant. We represent credit institutions when asserting their claims and defending against lawsuits filed against them. Our lawyers are not only known for representing banks in court in Frankfurt am Main.

  • Financial services

    Over the past decade, legislators have subjected financial services and investment activities to intense regulation. FPS helps institutions to comply with the associated obligations, both in regulatory terms and with regard to the rights of clients.

    FPS has particular expertise in defending against investor claims arising from financial services or investment activities. This applies to investment advice, investment brokerage and the sale of investment assets. In practice, the focus is usually on matters concerning legally compliant customer information – this could take the form of corresponding information sheets, prospectuses or key investor information. FPS thus also has practical experience in handling mass-tort lawsuits as well as proceedings pursuant to the Capital Markets Model Case Act (KapMuG) or model declaratory actions.

  • Dispute resolution

    One of the law firm’s main focuses has always been on representing clients in ordinary courts, with FPS acting solely on behalf of the institution in the field of banking and financial law. Due to our extensive practical experience in courts and our knowledge of banking and financial law, we represent institutions in all contentious disputes that may arise in connection with the credit business, payment transactions, securities business, financial services, investment business, etc. The representation of institutions also extends to contentious disputes that arise in the context of the client’s insolvency and lead to corresponding disputes with the insolvency administrator.

  • Insolvency and reorganisation advice

    Modern corporate insolvency law increasingly includes tools for corporate reorganisation and restructuring. As institutional creditors, credit institutions are particularly in demand here and involved in corporate restructuring measures. Financial restructuring sometimes takes place solely with the banks. FPS assists credit institutions in negotiations on out-of-court reorganisation concepts, restructuring plans (including measures that fall under the Act on the Stabilisation and Restructuring Framework for Businesses, or StaRUG) and insolvency plans in order to assert the interests of the institution in connection with the debtor’s reorganisation or insolvency in a legally compliant manner and to establish them for the future. If the company reorganisation fails, FPS helps credit institutions to assert their rights – particularly when asserting existing security rights – to support business continuity plans and to realise loan collateral.


WirtschaftsWoche Top Law Firm for Banking and Finance Law

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