Aline Fritz

Lawyer / Associate Partner
  • Specialist Lawyer for Public Procurement Law
Eschersheimer Landstraße 25-27
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Aline Fritz’s mandates include public procurement law as well as European state aid law and subsidy law. She advises the public sector and subsidy recipients on the implementation of procurement procedures, as well as bidders in all phases of the procedure. Fritz has extensive experience in representing clients before various public procurement chambers and public procurement tribunals in the higher regional courts. She regularly holds lectures and training courses on public procurement law and has published numerous specialist articles on the subject.

  • Expertise
    • Organising procurement procedures

      Our public procurement lawyers devise and oversee Europe-wide and national procurement procedures for public contracting authorities covering all types of services (constructors, suppliers and service providers), from the initial project idea to the awarding of the contract. Besides advising clients on the planning and preparation work, including the drafting of all procedural documents, we also assume the role of the awarding authority if required and take the task of procurement management off the hands of the public contracting authority.

    • Advising companies on the procurement procedure / tender management

      FPS advises clients on matters relating to the procurement procedure. The basis for this is a thorough analysis of the participation requirements in order to establish the corresponding requirements for preparing the tender. The course for a successful tender is often set early on in the procedure. Accordingly, it is important to us to give our clients comprehensive strategic support at an early stage in the decision-making process relating to participation in the tender.

    • IT tenders

      The awarding of IT contracts is becoming ever more relevant as a result of digitalisation. Procuring IT services is a challenge for even experienced contracting authorities and tenderers. The requirements of public procurement law must be reconciled with the technical conditions in order to be able to fully exploit the room for manoeuvre. FPS advises the contracting authority on choosing the right type of procedure and procurement structure, prepares and analyses the awarding and contractual documents and manages the procurement procedure right through to the awarding of the contract. Furthermore, FPS goes through the complex documents with the tenderers so that they can successfully participate in the procurement procedure.

    • Innovative procurement

      Public contracting authorities are increasingly confronted with challenges that cannot be optimally solved using conventional solutions. Yet which types of procedures can be used effectively here? FPS helps clients to correctly classify projects (for example, when it comes to making the distinction between research projects and pre-commercial procurement to apply regular public procurement law) and manage the necessary tendering procedures.

    • Structuring organisational models

      Our FPS experts have considerable experience in structuring organisational models in the field of public procurement law, particularly with regard to the in-house regulations, which are of high practical relevance for public contracting authorities and sector contracting authorities. FPS develops corporate and cooperation models – taking into account aspects of municipal law, corporate law and state aid law, among others – and provides support in subsequently implementing them.

    • Sectoral procurement – transport, airports, drinking water and energy

      FPS has been advising a large number of sectoral clients for many years. Since 2016, for example, FPS has been assisting with all EU-wide procurement procedures relating to the expansion of the southern section of Frankfurt Airport and has also been supporting many municipal utility companies in all matters of sector procurement law.

    • Review proceedings

      Thanks to many years of experience in the field of public procurement law, FPS has extensive expertise in legal protection proceedings. FPS has successfully represented clients on both the contracting authority and tenderer side in numerous review proceedings nationwide before the public procurement chambers and higher regional courts, enabling relevant facts to be quickly recorded and prepared in a legally and tactically proficient manner.

    Language skills

    German English French
  • Education
    since 2018Associate Partner at FPS 
    2016Certified Specialist Lawyer for Procurement Law
    since 2002Lawyer at FPS 
    2000–2002Head of the forum vergabe e.V. office at the BDI in Berlin
    2001Admission to practise law in Germany 
     Postgraduate studies (3ème cycle) in international law at Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II), Paris – Diplôme Supérieur de l’Université (DSU)
     Second state law exam
     First state law exam
     Law studies in Berlin and Paris (Diplôme Supérieur de l’Université, Paris II, Panthéon-Assas)
  • Memberships
    • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vergaberecht
    • Deutsch-Französische Juristenvereinigung
    • Europäischer Juristinnenbund (Gründungsmitglied)
    • forum vergabe e.V.
  • Publications
    Aline Fritz
    Schnelleinstieg Vergaberecht – Regelungen rechtssicher umsetzen
    Haufe-Lexware Verlag, 1. Auflage,

    Schritt für Schritt durch das neue Vergabeverfahren. Ab April 2016 gelten die neuen EU-Vergaberichtlinien. Wie gelingt Ihre Ausschreibung rechtssicher? Worauf kommt es bei der Ausschreibungsteilnahme an? Der Band führt Sie durch das gesamte Verfahren: von der Leistungsbeschreibung bis zu den Bedingungen der Auftragsausführung, inkl. der aktuellen Neuerungen und möglicher Stolpersteine.

    Aline Fritz
    Verfahrensgestaltung bei komplexen IT-Ausschreibungen am Beispiel Würzburg
    Akademie Vergaberecht,
    Aline Fritz
    Vertragsänderungen nach den neuen Richtlinien
    VergabeR, Heft 2a, , S. 290 ff.
  • What others say

    "Accessible, nice, reliable, competent, open. We would like to thank Aline Fritz for the excellent work delivered." 
    (client, The Legal 500 2023/2024 | Public Procurement Law) 

  • Events