Dr. Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg

Lawyer / Associate Partner
  • Specialist Lawyer for Building and Architectual Law
Eschersheimer Landstraße 25-27
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Dr Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg was admitted to practise law in Germany in 1998 and has focused on private construction law as well as architectural and engineering law since 1999. He has gained experience in specialised law firms in Frankfurt am Main, Munich and Stuttgart. Dr Lichtenberg has supervised large construction projects in road and traffic route / civil engineering, as well as during ongoing building construction, and has been involved in cooperations with construction companies, commercial clients and project managers. Aside from large-scale construction projects, contract drafting and claim management are also among his core competencies. Another professional focus area of his is forensic work, i.e. representation in legal disputes. In the field of architectural and engineering law, he advises and represents his clients in disputes relating to both fees and liability.

Dr Lichtenberg is a long-standing contributor to the Immobilien- und Baurecht (IBR) journal, as well as co-author of several specialist books, including the Handbook of Real Estate Law (topics ‘Construction in existing building stock and revitalisation’ and ‘Energy-efficient construction’), the construction and architectural law form books Formularbuch des Fachanwalts Bau und Architektenrecht (topic ‘Securities’) and AnwaltFormulare Bau- und Architektenrecht (topic ‘Remuneration’).

  • Expertise
  • Education
    since 2019Associate Partner at FPS
    2009Doctorate (Dr. iur.)
    2006Certified Specialist Lawyer for Construction and Architectural Law
    1998Admission to practise law in Germany 
    1998Second state law exam
    1994First state law exam
  • Memberships
    • ARGE Baurecht im DAV
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht e.V.
    • DAV
    • Deutscher Baugerichtstag e.V.
  • Publications
    Dr. Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg
    Kostenobergrenze im Planervertrag: Voraussetzungen für eine wirksame Vereinbarung
    EI, Dez 06, 2006, S. 63
    Dr. Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg
    Honorar des Planers: Abkehr von den "zentralen Leistungen"?
    EI, Feb 06, 2006, S. 57f
    Dr. Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg
    Abriss eines Balkons: Nutzungsausfallentschädigung?
    IBR Immobilien- & Baurecht, 2006, S. 670
    Dr. Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg
    Die Vergütung von Beschleunigungsmaßnahmen
    EI, Jun 05, 2005, S. 81f
    Dr. Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg
    Prüffähigkeit der Schlussrechnung - Fälligkeit und Verjährung der Schlussrechnungsansprüche
    EI, Aug 04, 2004, S. 64f
    Dr. Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg
    Die Bauhandwerkersicherung nach § 648 a BGB - ein unterschätztes Instrument
    EI, Mai 04, 2004, S. 62f
    Dr. Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg
    Wieder Neues von der Vertragsstrafe
    EI, Jul 03, 2003, S. 54f
    Dr. Christoph Th. H. Lichtenberg
    Neues und Altes von der Vertragsstrafe
    EI, Sep 00, 2000, S. 152f