Dr. Jörn Bosse

Lawyer / Partner
  • Specialist Lawyer for Building and Architectual Law
Große Theaterstraße 31
20354 Hamburg

Dr Jörn Bosse’s clients include, in particular, companies looking to implement real estate projects or in need of legal support regarding the use of a property. Project development brings with it various challenges, e.g. with regard to building permits, securing the neighbourhood and the construction work. The aim here is to avoid problems or to eliminate obstacles and disputes that have arisen – out of court if possible, or in court if necessary. The desired use of real estate raises questions about the contract form for the parties involved; as a rule these are rental agreements, but where appropriate they may be leasehold contracts. Developing and negotiating the contractual basis for future use, adapting the contract portfolio to interim developments at a contract party and to changes in the business relationship, and enforcing the interests in compliance with a contract are further areas that Dr Bosse’s work is focused on.