Dr. Jutta C. Möller

Lawyer / Partnerin
  • Specialist Lawyer for Building and Architectual Law
Immermannstraße 20
40210 Düsseldorf

Dr Möller has been a lawyer and partner at FPS since 1997. She is a proven expert in private construction law / real estate law and public procurement law. Dr Möller has extensive experience in accompanying large-scale projects, in particular relating to healthcare, cultural and municipal buildings. She accompanies complex construction projects from initial planning considerations to implementation and successful handover in the areas of contract drafting and negotiation, avoidance of legal disputes, claim management and the legal enforcement of claims. In public procurement law, Dr Möller helps contracting authorities with the conception of tenders, and advises tenderers on their bids. Her work includes helping with national and EU-wide construction, supply and service tenders in all sectors, in particular healthcare, IT, infrastructure and security/defence. If public procurement law needs to be considered due to subsidies/grants, she helps her clients with the procurement. She is a sought-after speaker on topical public procurement subjects and practice-related questions regarding construction law. Dr Möller regularly publishes specialist articles. 

  • Expertise
    • Public-private partnerships

      Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are becoming ever more important. In recent years, besides dealing with ‘classic’ public building construction, we have also worked on PPP projects with a pilot character – in the IT and defence sectors, for example. When it comes to PPPs, we are one of the most experienced law firms in Germany. We advise clients on PPP projects covering aspects of business, corporate and labour law, and also draw on our expertise and experience in matters concerning tax law.

    • Organising procurement procedures

      Our public procurement lawyers devise and oversee Europe-wide and national procurement procedures for public contracting authorities covering all types of services (constructors, suppliers and service providers), from the initial project idea to the awarding of the contract. Besides advising clients on the planning and preparation work, including the drafting of all procedural documents, we also assume the role of the awarding authority if required and take the task of procurement management off the hands of the public contracting authority.

    • Advising companies on the procurement procedure / tender management

      FPS advises clients on matters relating to the procurement procedure. The basis for this is a thorough analysis of the participation requirements in order to establish the corresponding requirements for preparing the tender. The course for a successful tender is often set early on in the procedure. Accordingly, it is important to us to give our clients comprehensive strategic support at an early stage in the decision-making process relating to participation in the tender.

    • IT tenders

      The awarding of IT contracts is becoming ever more relevant as a result of digitalisation. Procuring IT services is a challenge for even experienced contracting authorities and tenderers. The requirements of public procurement law must be reconciled with the technical conditions in order to be able to fully exploit the room for manoeuvre. FPS advises the contracting authority on choosing the right type of procedure and procurement structure, prepares and analyses the awarding and contractual documents and manages the procurement procedure right through to the awarding of the contract. Furthermore, FPS goes through the complex documents with the tenderers so that they can successfully participate in the procurement procedure.

    • Innovative procurement

      Public contracting authorities are increasingly confronted with challenges that cannot be optimally solved using conventional solutions. Yet which types of procedures can be used effectively here? FPS helps clients to correctly classify projects (for example, when it comes to making the distinction between research projects and pre-commercial procurement to apply regular public procurement law) and manage the necessary tendering procedures.

    • Sectoral procurement – transport, airports, drinking water and energy

      FPS has been advising a large number of sectoral clients for many years. Since 2016, for example, FPS has been assisting with all EU-wide procurement procedures relating to the expansion of the southern section of Frankfurt Airport and has also been supporting many municipal utility companies in all matters of sector procurement law.

    • Review proceedings

      Thanks to many years of experience in the field of public procurement law, FPS has extensive expertise in legal protection proceedings. FPS has successfully represented clients on both the contracting authority and tenderer side in numerous review proceedings nationwide before the public procurement chambers and higher regional courts, enabling relevant facts to be quickly recorded and prepared in a legally and tactically proficient manner.

    Language skills

    German English
  • Education
    since 2019Partner at FPS 
    2014Certified Specialist Lawyer for Construction and Architectural Law
    2014–2018Lawyer / Partner at KLEINER Rechtsanwälte in Düsseldorf
    2008–2014Lawyer at BBORS Kreuznacht in Düsseldorf
    1999Doctorate (Dr. iur.)
    1997–2008Lawyer at MKRG (interim name PWC Veltins) in Düsseldorf
    1997Admission to practise law in Germany 
    1996Second state law exam
    1994First state law exam
    1988–1993Law studies at the universities of Würzburg and Freiburg
  • Memberships
    • ARGE Baurecht im DAV
  • Publications
    Dr. Jutta C. Möller
    Real Estate Investments in Germany Transactions and Development
    Hrsg. Mütze/Möller/Senff, Springer-Verlag, 2. Auflage, 2012
    Dr. Jutta C. Möller
    Anwaltkommentar AGB-Recht
    Niebling (Hrsg.), Deutscher Anwaltverlag, 1. Auflage, 2012
    Dr. Jutta C. Möller Gavin Worok
    Auswirkungen der GWB-Novelle 2009 auf das Nachprüfungsverfahren
    Immobilien- und Baurecht (IBR), , S. 1465
    Dr. Jutta C. Möller
    Public Private Partnership: Gestaltung von Leistungsbeschreibungen, Finanzierung, Ausschreibung und Verträgen in der Praxis
    Meyer-Hofmann / Riemenschneider /Weihrauch, Verlag: Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2. Auflage, 2008
    Dr. Jutta C. Möller
    VOB/B als Ganzes nur ohne jede vertragliche Abweichung - Konsequenzen für die baurechtliche Beratung
    ZfBR - Zeitschrift für deutsches und internationales Bau- und Vergaberecht, , S. 119 f.
    Dr. Jutta C. Möller
    Vergaberecht 2006 - Auf welche Änderungen aus den EU-Richtlinien müssen wir uns einstellen?
    Bau-Rechts-Berater (BauRB), , S. 376 ff.
    Dr. Jutta C. Möller
    Die Geschäftsgebühr nach dem RVG bei der außergerichtlichen Beratung
    Bau-Rechts-Berater (BauRB), , S. 61 f.
  • Events