Dr. Tristan Förster

Lawyer / Senior Associate
Eschersheimer Landstraße 25-27
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Dr Tristan Förster has been working in the field of restructuring and insolvencies at FPS since 2021. He advises and represents companies and their bodies in economic crisis situations, as well as creditors in the event of insolvencies of their contractual partners. Dr Förster also specialises in the defence and enforcement of insolvency claims both in and out of court. Another of his focus areas is extrajudicial and judicial representation of companies before the state courts in all areas of commercial and corporate law.

  • Expertise
    • Corporate disputes

      Even in matters concerning corporate law, conflicts are not always avoidable. Accordingly, it goes without saying that we are also on hand to assist our clients when disputes arise involving shareholders, the management and members of the executive or supervisory board. The priority here is on out-of-court dispute resolution. If this is unsuccessful, we also represent our clients in mediation, court and arbitration proceedings. Finally, we also specialise in pursuing and defending claims arising from business purchase agreements as well as enforcing non-compete clauses.

    • Restructuring advice

      FPS is on hand to support companies during dynamic times and necessary change with its expertise on all legal, tax and business matters. We help with restructuring plans – and corporate restructuring plans in particular – and with the structuring of (re)financing measures. This may also include support in drawing up and implementing reorganisation concepts.

      Matters concerning the management’s duty to provide information and take action are among our key areas of expertise. We advise credit institutions, debt funds and financiers in the event of non-performing loans and NPL transactions, while safeguarding the interests of suppliers, customers and shareholders. Other areas covered by our restructuring advice include transformation measures, carveout concepts, liquidation plans, trustee concepts and insolvency filing obligations.

    • Insolvency law advice

      If a restructuring plan fails, our experts are on hand to support not only business owners and management teams, but also stakeholders, including in relation to insolvency law issues and challenges. In the event of a crisis involving a business partner, this starts with advising companies on maintaining and continuing business relationships and extends to safeguarding and asserting security rights and claims, both before any insolvency proceedings have begun and after. FPS also advises on matters concerning supplier and banking pools. Other areas covered by our insolvency law advice include issues relating to IP/IT law, tax law and tenancy and real estate law.

    • Company voluntary arrangements and insolvency protection proceedings

      Our experts actively support companies in judicial reorganisation proceedings. Insolvency protection proceedings and company voluntary arrangements for reorganisation proceedings can significantly contribute to the success of reorganisation measures. With our many years of experience in dealing with insolvency proceedings and our broad set-up in all relevant areas, we are a strong partner in difficult times. In their roles as chief restructuring officers and authorised representatives, our lawyers make a responsible and significant contribution to a company’s reorganisation.

    • Insolvency-related litigation

      Our lawyers assist companies and management teams as well as creditors and insolvency administrators in all proceedings relating to insolvency law. This particularly applies to representation in avoidance proceedings, but also in all matters concerning the liability of different parties involved in insolvency proceedings.

    Language skills

  • Education
    since 2021Associate at FPS 
    2021Admission to practise law in Germany 
     Doctorate (Dr. iur.)
    2020Second state law exam
    2015First state law exam
  • Publications
    Daniel Herper Dr. Tristan Förster
    Urteilsanmerkung, BGH v. 19.10.2023 - IX ZR 249/22, Gläubigerbenachteiligende Herstellung einer Aufrechnungslage durch Bauvertragskündigung
    EWiR – Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht, 2024, S. 82-84
    Daniel Herper Dr. Tristan Förster
    Urteilsanmerkung, BGH v. 10.10.2022 - IX ZB 41/21, Kein Erlöschen des Geschäftsbesorgungsvertrags zur Vertretung des Schuldners im Insolvenzverfahren mit Verfahrenseröffnung
    EWiR – Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht, , S. 117-118
    Daniel Herper Dr. Tristan Förster
    Insolvenzrechtliche Folgen formunwirksamer Wandeldarlehensverträge
    NZI - Neue Zeitschrift für Insolvenz- und Sanierungsrecht, , S. 156
    Daniel Herper Dr. Tristan Förster
    Urteilsanmerkung, BGH v. 28.4.2022 - IX ZR 48/21, Gleichbleibend um einen bis weniger als zwei Monate verspätete Zahlungen von Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen kein ausreichendes Indiz für eine Zahlungseinstellung
    EWiR – Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht, , S. 487-498
  • Events