Gerrit Frömming

Lawyer / Senior Associate
  • Specialist Lawyer for Building and Architectual Law
Große Theaterstraße 31
20354 Hamburg

Gerrit Frömming has been working as a lawyer in the field of real estate law since 2018 and has been a specialist lawyer for construction and architectural law since 2022. He primarily advises clients in the areas of commercial tenancy law, as well as private construction and architectural law. In addition to extrajudicial consultation, in particular related to contract drafting and asset management, Frömming specialises in representing his clients in both judicial and alternative dispute resolution proceedings. During his law studies at the University of Göttingen, he also worked as a lecturer in real estate and tenancy law at a university. During his subsequent legal clerkship, he held various positions in the field of real estate law, including at an international law firm and a boutique law firm in Hamburg specialising in private construction law.


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