Matthias Druba
LL.M. (George Washington)
Lawyer, Notary (Berlin) / Partner
  • Specialist Lawyer for Administrative Law
Kurfürstendamm 220
10719 Berlin
  • Education
    since 1995Partner at FPS 
     Certified Specialist Lawyer for Administrative Law
    since 2021Honorary judge in a secondary office at the Berlin Bar Court
     Appointment as notary (registered office Berlin)
    since 2010Examiner in a secondary office at the examination office for the notarial examination of the Federal Chamber of Notaries
    since 2002Examiner in a secondary office at the Berlin-Brandenburg Judicial Examinations Office
    2005–2015Lecturer at the University of Leipzig
    1994Admission to practise law in Germany 
     Second state law exam
     First state law exam
    1991–1992Head of Treuhandanstalt Division, Dir. Special Assets
    1990LLM (George Washington University, USA)
    1985–1990Scholarship Holder from the German National Academic Foundation
  • Memberships
  • Publications
    Matthias Druba Urte Wienckowski
    Mandanteninformation: Erwerberhaftung nach WEMoG – Käufers Haftung für Hausgeldschulden des Verkäufers?
    Matthias Druba
    Vorschüsse für Erschließungsbeiträge können zurückgefordert werden
    Das Grundeigentum, Nr. 8/2011,
    Matthias Druba
    Die Verfassungswidrigkeit der Berliner Wassertarife
    LKV - Landes- und Kommunalverwaltung, Heft Januar 2010,