Prof. Dr. Jörg Kupjetz

Lawyer / Partner
  • Solicitor (England & Wales)
  • Dipl. Bankbetriebswirt
Eschersheimer Landstraße 25-27
60322 Frankfurt am Main
FPS Expert for Sustainability

Prof. Dr Jörg Kupjetz’s clients include German and foreign banks, financial institutions, investors and companies. He focuses on corporate and financing transactions, in particular in the areas of corporate finance, acquisition, project and real estate financing, structured financing and venture debt financing. Kupjetz holds a degree in banking administration and is a solicitor (England and Wales), business mediator, certified compliance manager and senator in the Senate of Economy.

  • Expertise
    • Leasing / factoring

      FPS has many years of experience in factoring and leasing law and offers comprehensive support. FPS advises on the drafting of the relevant contracts (factoring agreements and leasing, hire-purchase and rental agreements for movable assets) and represents factoring and leasing companies in court and before the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). 

    • Corporate finance

      Optimal financing is the key to any corporate success. FPS advises companies on all legal and tax-related aspects of financing their business, especially in connection with capital endowment and maintenance, investment financing and M&A transactions. We also advise institutional investors and banks on all matters concerning corporate financing, particularly in relation to mezzanines, capital increases, bonds and traditional loans. In addition, we provide comprehensive legal support in matters relating to group and acquisition financing, the analysis and optimisation of the collateral situation and the drafting of controlling and profit transfer agreements.

    Language skills

    German English
  • Education
    since 2015Partner at FPS
     Certified Compliance Officer
     Business Mediator | Wirtschaftsmediator (IHK)
    2006–2007Solicitor (England and Wales)
     Management studies with degree
    2003–2004Bank business administration at the Frankfurt School of Finance 
    2002Admission to practise law in Germany 
    2002Doctorate (Dr. iur.)
     Second state law exam
     First state law exam
     Law studies in Osnabrück, Heidelberg and Los Angeles (USA)
  • Memberships
  • Publications
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Kupjetz
    Buchbesprechung zu Timmerbeil, Witness Coaching and Aversary System
    SchiedsVZ - Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren, , S. 255
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Kupjetz
    Die Formbedürftigkeit der Verpfändung von Beteiligungen an einer GmbH & Co. KG im Rahmen von Finanzierungen
    GmbHR - Zeitschrift für das Gesellschafts-, Unternehmens- und Steuerrecht, Heft 15/2004, , S. 1006 ff.
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Kupjetz Christina Ungeheuer 
    Country Report Germany
    International Financial Law Review-Banking Yearbook, , S. 82-87
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Kupjetz Oliver Moufang
    Der Ausforschungsbeweis im selbständigen Beweisverfahren bei nur vermuteten Mängeln
    NZBau - Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht, , S. 646-649
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Kupjetz Prof. Dr. Stefan Pützenbacher
    Gewerbemietrecht und Loyalität der Vertragsparteien; Anmerkungen zum „wichtigen Grund“ des § 543 BGB
    NZM - Neue Zeitschrift für Miet- und Wohnungsrecht, , S. 140-142
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Kupjetz
    Mehr Rechtssicherheit für Kreditinstitute im Umgang mit Unterlagen über Alt-Sparbücher/ Anmerkung zum Urteil des LG Frankfurt a.M.
    BKR - Zeitschrift für Bank und Kapitalmarktrecht,
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Kupjetz Oliver Moufang
    Zur rechtlichen Bindungswirkung von abgeschlossenen Nachtragsvereinbarungen
    BauR, , S. 1629-1932
    Prof. Dr. Jörg Kupjetz Oliver Moufang
    Zum formularvertraglichen Verzicht des Bürgen auf die Einreden aus § 768 BGB in bauvertraglichen Sicherungsabreden
    BauR, , S. 1314-1320
  • Events