Steffen König
LL.B. (Bucerius Law School)
Lawyer, Notary / Partner
  • Education
    since 2022Partner at FPS 
     Of Counsel, Lawyer and Notary at the Berlin office of a commercial law firm
     LLB (Bucerius Law School) 
    2021Appointment as notary (registered office Berlin)
    2011Admission to practise law in Germany 
    2011Second state law exam
     Legal internship at the Hamburg Fiscal Court, the Hamburg Tax Administration and a major law firm in the field of transactional tax and corporate law
    2009First state law exam
     Law studies at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and the University of Chicago
  • Memberships
    • Bucerius Alumni e.V.
  • Publications
    Steffen König Nadine Bodenschatz und Christian Schubert
    GwG – Neue Pflichten für Notare bei Beurkundungen
    CMS Bloggt,