Christiane Boemke
LL.M. (Boston Univ.)
Lawyer / Associate Partner
  • Attorney at Law, New York/USA
  • Certified Data Protection Officer (TÜV®)
Eschersheimer Landstraße 25-27
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Christiane Boemke discovered her passion for trademark and competition law during her LLM studies in Boston. Since her admission to practise law in Germany in 2005, she has been part of FPS’s IP team, primarily advising on intellectual property issues. In the field of trademark law, Boemke advises and assists clients from various industries in the development of trademark strategies, in national and international application proceedings and in the defence of already-registered trademarks, as well as in trademark infringement proceedings. She also manages and monitors brand portfolios. In competition law, she advises companies on the design of their advertising measures, websites and product presentations and represents them in injunction and lawsuit proceedings. In addition, she has extensive experience in the field of IP contract law and intellectual property rights in general. In data protection law, she advises on the implementation of the GDPR, in particular on the design of data protection notices.


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