Dr. Karl Friedrich Dumoulin

Lawyer / Partner
  • Specialist Lawyer for Medicine Law
  • Specialist Lawyer for Industrial Property Law
Immermannstraße 20
40210 Düsseldorf

Dr Karl Friedrich Dumoulin primarily advises companies on issues of national and international commercial law in their day-to-day business (supply and service agreements, cooperation and distribution agreements, questions relating to competition law and IP law, in particular trademark applications, licence agreements). Dr Dumoulin also represents his clients before courts, offices and courts of arbitration in these areas. In particular, Dr Dumoulin specialises in the field of financial services (factoring). He provides comprehensive consultation to financial services companies in these matters – in some cases internationally – and conducts complex court proceedings. In addition, Dr Dumoulin provides consultation on subjects spanning regulatory and civil law issues in the healthcare sector. His clients in this area include healthcare professionals, healthcare facilities and medical device manufacturers. Dr Dumoulin has been involved with the Geneva Group for more than 15 years, where he is Vice Global Chairperson of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Group. He also edits the publication FYI – GGI Litigation and Dispute Resolution News and is the author of numerous other publications.