Dr. Robby Fichte
Immobilienökonom (IRE|BS)
Lawyer / Partner
  • Specialist Lawyer for Administrative Law
  • Sustainable Real Estate Manager (IRE|BS)
Kurfürstendamm 220
10719 Berlin
FPS Expert for Sustainability

Dr Robby Fichte has extensive experience in public law matters relating to complex construction projects, urban land-use planning procedures and the conclusion of the associated public law contracts. In this context, he handles the process structuring as well as the coordination and negotiation with owners, investors, authorities, neighbours and other stakeholders. Dr Fichte has also assisted his clients with real estate transactions for many years.

  • Expertise
    • Emissions control

      Practically all major projects are now subject to complex environmental standards and requirements. Compliance with them is mandatory, which sometimes makes it difficult to realise such projects. The corresponding permits satisfy both the legally standardised environmental concerns and the economic interests of the investor. We have considerable expertise in managing this ever-changing legal matter and dealing with the regulations in the course of the necessary official procedures. In addition, we advise plant operators in the field of emissions trading. We work with associations to actively shape emissions trading law and help to provide feedback on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act (TEHG). Our influence on the normative area of this legal field enables us to find efficient solutions that can be quickly put into practice.

    • The impact of German reunification

      More than 50 years of dictatorship in East Germany raised numerous legal questions. Our Berlin office specialises in such cases. We particularly focus on outstanding proceedings for the restitution of real estate and art treasures and for compensation for assets that cannot be returned. In addition, the Berlin office works on solving problems arising from typical forms of land use in the GDR (known as Sachenrechtsbereinigung, or property law adjustment). The office advises claimants and those affected by claims and has long-standing contacts with the competent authorities.

    • Local rates and taxes

      Despite its considerable practical importance, municipal fiscal law regularly only appears on the radar of investors when unforeseen six- or seven-digit figures call into question the profitability of a project. Very few specialists are well-versed in this field. We are familiar with the various options for influencing typical rates and taxes, including land development and improvement charges, building permit fees, special use fees, sewerage charges and the Stellplatzablöse, a charge payable when a new development provides less than the required number of parking spaces. In addition, we represent clients in appeal proceedings against the imposition of such charges.

    Language skills

    German English
  • Education
    since 2019Partner at FPS 
    since 2005 Lawyer at FPS 
     Real Estate Economist | Immobilienökonom (IRE|BS), International Real Estate Business School (IRE|BS) in Berlin
     Certified Specialist Lawyer for Administrative Law
     Lieutenant Colonel (ret.), reserve officer training in the paratroopers' corps
    2005Admission to practise law in Germany 
    2009Doctorate (Dr. iur.)
     Second state law exam
     First state law exam
     Legal internship in Leipzig
     Law studies at the University of Bonn; scholarship holder of individual graduate funding
    2002 - 2003Legal assistant at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Cologne, Department of Public Commercial Law 
  • Memberships
    • Arbeitskreis Militär und Gesellschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit e. V.
    • Bundesvereinigung Öffentliches Recht e. V.
    • Förderkreis Deutsches Heer e. V.
    • IMMOEBS e.V.
    • Juristische Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V.
    • Urban Land Institut
  • Publications
    Dr. Robby Fichte
    Erfolgreiche Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen abgewiesene Räumungsklage: Hohes Alter und 45-jährige Mietdauer alleine schützen nicht vor Eigenbedarfskündigung
    Das Grundeigentum, Nr. 15/2014, , S. 969-970
    Dr. Robby Fichte
    Die Begründung des Militärdienstverhältnisses (1648-1806) Ein Beitrag zur Frühgeschichte des öffentlich-rechtlichen Vertrages (Dissertation), Baden-Baden 2010
    Rheinische Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, Baden-Baden, NOMOS, Bd. 13,
    Dr. Robby Fichte
    Militär und Dienstpflicht
    Examinatorium Rechtsgeschichte, Schmoeckel/Stolte (Hrsg.) Köln, , S. 247-249
    Dr. Robby Fichte
    An den Haaren herbeigezogen - die vermeintliche Verfassungswidrigkeit des sog. Haar- und Barterlasses der Bundeswehr
    Neue Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht - NZWehrr,
  • Events