Urte Wienckowski

Lawyer / Associate Partner
  • Specialist Lawyer for Tenancy and Residential Property Law
  • Mediatorin
Kurfürstendamm 220
10719 Berlin

Urte Wienckowski joined FPS in 2011 after a period of maternity leave and her mediation training (DAA). Prior to joining FPS, Urte Wienckowski held a senior position in a real estate services group. As a specialist lawyer for tenancy and residential property law, she primarily handles commercial tenancy law mandates and deals with matters relating to real estate management, residential property law and real estate brokerage. She contributes solutions relating to residential tenancy law in the context of transactions and complex projects. Wienckowski prefers to shape legal relationships and find lasting solutions through tailored advice rather than simply enforcing claims, but also represents her clients in court.