Technical inventions and secret technical knowledge create a decisive competitive advantage. Such inventions entail considerable development costs, which can only be amortised if a monopoly right can be secured at least for a limited period of time and the invention can be protected against plagiarism. Accordingly, we help our clients to secure their competitive advantage and successfully exploit inventions – by concluding licensing agreements and non-disclosure agreements, for example. 

Our law firm also advises on opposition, nullity and patent infringement proceedings and produces legal validity and infringement reports. We represent our clients before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the European Patent Office, the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Court of Justice.


  • IP litigation

    Representing clients in infringement proceedings has always been a key area of expertise at FPS. For decades, notable rights holders have entrusted the judicial assertion of their rights to the experienced FPS lawyers. FPS is often involved in the investigation of infringement cases as well as the inspection and preservation of evidence in advance. We also support our clients in border seizure cases. Representation is provided in all areas of IP law before the relevant courts and agencies.

  • Product piracy

    Within the IP office at FPS, we have set up a dedicated task force focused on combating product piracy. The illegal reproduction and sale of branded goods causes significant revenue losses for brand manufacturers, damages the overall economy and puts jobs at risk. 

    Our FPS product piracy task force is proactive in taking action against pirated goods as well as parallel imports and works closely with the relevant authorities such as the public prosecutor’s office, customs forces and the police. We prepare arrests, recover any profits made through piracy and coordinate seizures. Our consulting services include general market observation, especially online, and targeted investigations into individual infringers. We seize counterfeit goods, conduct searches of infringing companies and secure evidence. In the litigation process, we assert claims for injunctive relief, information, damages and destruction.