Dr. Oliver Wolff-Rojczyk

Lawyer / Partner
Eschersheimer Landstraße 25-27
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Dr. Oliver Wolff-Rojczyk has extensive expertise in IT law, copyright law, software and licensing law, competition law, trademark law, and commercial intellectual property law. He primarily advises and represents rights holders in the exploitation of their IP rights and their enforcement in civil and criminal proceedings, particularly in areas such as product piracy and IT compliance. He also has substantial experience in litigation. Moreover, he supports IT companies in complex IT projects and, when necessary, represents clients in court related to such projects. Additonally, he advises and represents clients in managing cybercrime attacks and pursuing offenders. His clientele includes leading international and national software manufacturers.

  • Expertise
    • IP litigation

      Representing clients in infringement proceedings has always been a key area of expertise at FPS. For decades, notable rights holders have entrusted the judicial assertion of their rights to the experienced FPS lawyers. FPS is often involved in the investigation of infringement cases as well as the inspection and preservation of evidence in advance. We also support our clients in border seizure cases. Representation is provided in all areas of IP law before the relevant courts and agencies.

    • Product piracy

      Within the IP office at FPS, we have set up a dedicated task force focused on combating product piracy. The illegal reproduction and sale of branded goods causes significant revenue losses for brand manufacturers, damages the overall economy and puts jobs at risk. 

      Our FPS product piracy task force is proactive in taking action against pirated goods as well as parallel imports and works closely with the relevant authorities such as the public prosecutor’s office, customs forces and the police. We prepare arrests, recover any profits made through piracy and coordinate seizures. Our consulting services include general market observation, especially online, and targeted investigations into individual infringers. We seize counterfeit goods, conduct searches of infringing companies and secure evidence. In the litigation process, we assert claims for injunctive relief, information, damages and destruction.

    • IT contract law / outsourcing

      FPS advises in all areas of IT contract law. Whether clients need support in drafting and negotiating IT project contracts, designing and running outsourcing projects or making use of cloud services – we are on hand to help with our experts. In addition to many years of experience in advising a wide range of industries and companies of all sizes, our team has a real technical affinity and a special degree of creativity. This gives us a good technical understanding of our clients’ concerns and business models and enables us to find the best solution for them. Our services include drafting and negotiating IT project contracts (agile, classic, managed services, new business models), outsourcing contracts, service descriptions, service level agreements and pricing plans, and helping clients to prepare for due diligence processes, vendor conferences and on-site visits. We also oversee project and system integration measures as well as hardware and software maintenance and draft licensing, escrow and distribution agreements.

    • IT security / cybersecurity

      While IT security has long been considered a ‘technical’ matter handled solely by a company’s IT department, its legal relevance can no longer be disputed. Alongside buzzwords such as ‘trade secret’, ‘data protection’ or ‘record fine’, the implications of any liability for executives must be taken into account, for example. In order to fully protect a company and its management, a legal assessment of the risks should always be carried out in addition to examining the matter from a technical perspective. FPS devises cybersecurity strategies to protect government agencies as well as business owners and businesses. In the event of an attack, our experts coordinate the immediate action that needs to be taken, getting in touch with their IT security forensic experts, crisis communication agencies, investigative authorities and insurance companies. And we help our clients to defend themselves against claims for damages and administrative fines.

    Language skills

    German English
  • Education
    since 1999Partner at FPS 
    since 1994Lawyer at FPS 
    1997Doctorate (Dr. iur.)
    1994Admission to practise law in Germany 
     Second state law exam
    1991First state law exam
  • Memberships
    • International Ass​ociation for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik (DGRI)
    • Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR)
    • Itechlaw
    • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht
  • Publications
    Dr. Oliver Wolff-Rojczyk
    Erwerb und die Nutzung gebrauchter Software – usedSoft II
    IT-Rechtsberater (ITRB), Apr 14, , S. 75-77
    Dr. Oliver Wolff-Rojczyk
    Rechtssicherheit für Schulen beim digitalen Kopieren
    FAZ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nr. 30, , S. 41
    Dr. Hauke Hansen Dr. Oliver Wolff-Rojczyk
    Oracle vs. usedSoft – Handel mit gebrauchter Software, Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuGH
    GRUR-Prax, , S. 904-910
    Dr. Hauke Hansen Dr. Oliver Wolff-Rojczyk
    Handel mit gebrauchter Software (Oracle ./. usedSoft), Anmerkung zum Beschluss des BGH zur Vorlage des Verfahrens an den EuGH
    Computer und Recht, , S. 223-231
    Dr. Hauke Hansen Dr. Oliver Wolff-Rojczyk
    Die Strafbarkeit neuer Arten des Softwarevertriebs
    Computer und Recht, , S. 106-107
    Dr. Hauke Hansen Dr. Oliver Wolff-Rojczyk
    Vertrieb gebrannter Datenträger mit selbst erstellten Lizenzurkunden und Notartestaten als „gebrauchte“ Softwarelizenzen, Anmerkung zum Urteil des LG Frankfurt
    MMR (MultiMedia und Recht), , S. 465-468
  • What others say

    "Level-headed and experienced, good cooperation for years" 
    (competitor, JUVE Handbook 2022/2021 | Trademark, Design and Competition Law) 


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