Dr. Christian Gerecke

Lawyer / Associate
Eschersheimer Landstraße 25-27
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Dr Christian Gerecke has been working at FPS since 2022 in the areas of corporate law / M&A and real estate law, in particular complex transactions in those spheres. Within those areas of law, Gerecke also provides support with the enforcement and defence of claims both in and out of court and all case management matters. As a former public prosecutor, he is accustomed to intense legal disputes and also advises on issues of criminal compliance. Gerecke is a lecturer at the Südwestdeutsche Fachakademie der Immobilienwirtschaft e. V. and regularly publishes specialist articles.

  • Expertise
    • Corporate governance and compliance

      FPS advises companies of all sizes on matters relating to their internal constitution, the division of labour between the executive bodies, the drafting of rules of procedure and any other checks and balances that a well-managed company must have. This extends to the rules of corporate governance – taking into account corresponding standards in the home countries of the group’s parent companies where necessary – and to the adherence to conduct obligations prescribed by corporate and public law (compliance).

      Our advisory services include drawing up internal company constitutions, drafting and implementing rules of procedure for the management, executive board, supervisory board or advisory board and implementing the German Corporate Governance Code.

    • Corporate disputes

      Even in matters concerning corporate law, conflicts are not always avoidable. Accordingly, it goes without saying that we are also on hand to assist our clients when disputes arise involving shareholders, the management and members of the executive or supervisory board. The priority here is on out-of-court dispute resolution. If this is unsuccessful, we also represent our clients in mediation, court and arbitration proceedings. Finally, we also specialise in pursuing and defending claims arising from business purchase agreements as well as enforcing non-compete clauses.

    • Foundation and restructuring of companies, transformations

      FPS has profound expertise when it comes to the foundation of companies, regardless of the legal form. We advise on the foundation of new companies as well as the establishment of real estate funds and also provide the necessary legal support.

      It is not uncommon for a developing company to have to adapt its structure. We help our clients to devise and implement such reorganisation measures. In doing so, we find individual solutions that take into account aspects covered by corporate law as well as tax, employment, commercial and antitrust law.
      In addition, we also advise on transformations, including changes of legal form, mergers, spin-offs and company demergers, and help to implement these processes.

    • Mergers / acquisitions

      Successful transactions require careful planning and structuring, both in terms of content and time. Our M&A experts not only perform due diligence and draft the contract, but also handle the subsequent contract negotiations and manage the project in the post-closing phase.

      We advise domestic and foreign companies on both the buyer and seller side on M&A projects, private equity and venture capital transactions, management buy-ins and buyouts and corporate cooperation projects (joint ventures). Here, we draft and negotiate confidentiality and exclusivity agreements (letters of intent) as well as contracts covering company acquisitions and investment agreements.

      In all M&A transactions, we establish a close and trusting working relationship with our clients’ auditors and tax consultants, determine how to optimally structure the transactions for tax purposes and ensure compliance with antitrust requirements.

    Language skills

    German English
  • Education
    since 2022Associate at FPS 
    2022Admission to practise law in Germany 
     Public prosecutor 
    2017Second state law exam
    2015First state law exam
     Research assistant at the JGU Main, Chair of Civil and Civil Procedure Law of Prof. Dr. Grube
     Research assistant at the EBS Law School, Chair of Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law and Banking Law of Prof. Dr. Florstedt
     Law studies in Mainz and Darmstadt
  • Publications
    Florian Wiesner Dr. Christian Gerecke
    § 14 Das Bauträgergeschäft
    Prozesse in Bausachen - Privates Baurecht I Architektenrecht, 4. Auflage, 2024, S. 1815-1847