Matthias Druba
LL.M. (George Washington)
Lawyer, Notary (Berlin) / Partner
  • Specialist Lawyer for Administrative Law
Kurfürstendamm 220
10719 Berlin
Lawyer Notary

Matthias Druba is managing partner of the Berlin office and one of the best-known experts on legal issues in the wake of German reunification, including reparation claims. Another area of his professional focus is public law, specifically public construction law / construction planning law and municipal tax law. He ensures due diligence and conducts contract negotiations for major real estate transactions. Furthermore, Druba does a great deal of work as a notary, as a part-time lay judge at the Berlin Anwaltsgerichtshof (court in Germany passing judgement on the conduct of lawyers) and as an examiner at the Berlin-Brandenburg Judicial Examination Office and at the examination office for the notarial examination of the German Federal Chamber of Notaries.