Dr. Christoph Holzbach

Lawyer / Partner
Eschersheimer Landstraße 25-27
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Dr Christoph Holzbach has extensive experience in advising and representing nationally and internationally active clients in the field of intellectual property law, trademark, design and licensing law, as well as patent and IT law. He advises international corporations and small and medium-sized companies on the development of brand strategies, the design of advertising measures and websites, the formulation of press releases and the execution and defence of injunction and legal actions both in the area of trademark and competition law and with regard to copyrights. Since 2008, Dr Holzbach has been listed as a leading lawyer in Germany in the field of intellectual property in the Best Lawyers ranking and is frequently recommended in the JUVE Handbook in the field of trademark, design and competition law (‘esteemed colleague, tough opponent’, competitor; ‘very experienced’, competitor).

  • Expertise
    • IP litigation

      Representing clients in infringement proceedings has always been a key area of expertise at FPS. For decades, notable rights holders have entrusted the judicial assertion of their rights to the experienced FPS lawyers. FPS is often involved in the investigation of infringement cases as well as the inspection and preservation of evidence in advance. We also support our clients in border seizure cases. Representation is provided in all areas of IP law before the relevant courts and agencies.

    • Artificial intelligence

      Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important in recent years and is influencing more and more areas of life and the economy. This also gives rise to new legal issues that have to be dealt with by lawyers, courts and legislators, including the protection of AI-generated works, the issue of copyright attribution and any liability issues involving AI-generated content. Adequate legislation is needed to protect intellectual property related to AI, while fostering innovation and creativity. The legal team at FPS provides comprehensive advisory services to help companies deal with the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in the field of intellectual property.

    • Media/press law

      Media law regulates the use, distribution and production of media content such as radio, television, print media and online media. Press law is a part of this and deals with framework conditions of the press, including freedom of the press, editorial independence, personal rights, media liability and the right of reply. FPS advises media companies on legal matters relating to freedom of expression, including advice on media content and legal representation in proceedings involving the right of reply, injunctive relief and compensation for damages. We possess industry knowledge and offer advice on typical media contracts, cross-media collaborations and freelance authors. We also support Internet platforms in the areas of copyright, consumer protection and data protection. In the event of online legal violations, we successfully cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

    • Sports law

      Sport is a global growth market with a considerable volume of sales. FPS possesses wide-ranging expertise and experience in matters concerning the protection and exploitation of valuable marketing rights (through shirt or perimeter advertising, for example) and in the field of sports sponsorship and the marketing of sporting events. We advise clubs, sponsors, sports rights marketers and event organisers, but also individual athletes, player agents and coaches. The focus here is on providing legal advice on corporate, tax, licensing and contract law matters, with a particular focus on sport-specific aspects. FPS also offers interdisciplinary advice and legal project management for large-scale projects such as the construction or conversion of stadiums and arenas (including in the field of public procurement law), the corporate structuring of sports clubs and other contractual arrangements.

    • Pharmaceutical advertising law

      FPS has been advising medium-sized and larger pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers on advertising issues for a number of years, assessing advertisements, websites, brochures, giveaways and other promotional material, for example, and addressing the associated issues of the admissibility or misleading nature of information featured in scientific statements, among other things, in the light of the Health Services and Products Advertising Act (HWG) and the Act Against Unfair Competition (UWG). In this field, FPS represents manufacturers in out-of-court processes involving competitors and competition associations and especially in disputes before the civil courts.

    Language skills

    German English
  • Education
    since 1999Partner at FPS 
    since 1995Lawyer at FPS 
    1995Admission to practise law in Germany 
    1994Doctorate (Dr. iur.)
     Second state law exam
    1991First state law exam
  • Memberships
  • Publications
    Dr. Christoph Holzbach
    6. Deutscher Marken-Summit vom F.A.Z.-Institut,
    Dr. Christoph Holzbach
    Der investigative Journalismus unter der Strafandrohung des Staates oder das Schwert der freien Presse in Gefahr?
    Festschrift für Winfried Tillmann, Carl-Heymanns-Verlag, 2003, 2003
    Dr. Christoph Holzbach
    Produktpiraterie: EU auf dem Vormarsch
    MMR (MultiMedia und Recht), Jun 03, 2003
    Dr. Christoph Holzbach Dr. Christoph Süßenberger
    Vertragsrecht im Internet
    Rechtshandbuch zum E-Commerce, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, Köln, 2002, 2002
    Dr. Christoph Holzbach
    Die Electronic-Commerce-Richtlinie - Ende oder Chance für das Deutsche Wettbewerbsrecht
    Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis, 2000, S. 872ff
    Dr. Christoph Holzbach
    Die Beseitigung der kundenspezifischen Codierung als Behinderungswettbewerb im Sinne des § 1 UWG
    Peter Lang Verlagsgruppe, 1994
  • What others say

    "Respected colleague, exhausting opponent" 
    (competitor, JUVE Handbook 2021/2022 | Trademark, Design and Competition Law)

    "Very experienced" 
    (competitor, JUVE Handbook 2019/2020 | Trademark, Design and Competition Law) 

  • References