Thomas Stein

Lawyer / Partner
Eschersheimer Landstraße 25-27
60322 Frankfurt am Main

Thomas Stein’s practice includes IP law, the German Act Against Unfair Competition, distribution law and general contract law – both in terms of consultation and litigation. His clients include clothing and cosmetics companies and sporting goods manufacturers, as well as brand licensors and licensees from the consumer goods, lifestyle and luxury sectors. Other clients include, for example, franchise companies and clients from the logistics industry. Stein represents a wide range of event companies, musicians, influencers, actors, athletes and fashion designers.

  • Expertise
    • Distribution and franchising law

      In the area of distribution and franchising law, FPS advises both authorised dealers, such as major car distributors, as well as car manufacturers. We also assist brand manufacturers in the luxury goods, fashion and food segments as well as in the restaurant, hotel and retail sectors. We draft contracts for both franchisers and franchisees. FPS has excellent industry contacts and provides support for foreign franchise systems on the German market.

    • IP litigation

      Representing clients in infringement proceedings has always been a key area of expertise at FPS. For decades, notable rights holders have entrusted the judicial assertion of their rights to the experienced FPS lawyers. FPS is often involved in the investigation of infringement cases as well as the inspection and preservation of evidence in advance. We also support our clients in border seizure cases. Representation is provided in all areas of IP law before the relevant courts and agencies.

    • Product piracy

      Within the IP office at FPS, we have set up a dedicated task force focused on combating product piracy. The illegal reproduction and sale of branded goods causes significant revenue losses for brand manufacturers, damages the overall economy and puts jobs at risk. 

      Our FPS product piracy task force is proactive in taking action against pirated goods as well as parallel imports and works closely with the relevant authorities such as the public prosecutor’s office, customs forces and the police. We prepare arrests, recover any profits made through piracy and coordinate seizures. Our consulting services include general market observation, especially online, and targeted investigations into individual infringers. We seize counterfeit goods, conduct searches of infringing companies and secure evidence. In the litigation process, we assert claims for injunctive relief, information, damages and destruction.

    • Artificial intelligence

      Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important in recent years and is influencing more and more areas of life and the economy. This also gives rise to new legal issues that have to be dealt with by lawyers, courts and legislators, including the protection of AI-generated works, the issue of copyright attribution and any liability issues involving AI-generated content. Adequate legislation is needed to protect intellectual property related to AI, while fostering innovation and creativity. The legal team at FPS provides comprehensive advisory services to help companies deal with the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in the field of intellectual property.

    • Media/press law

      Media law regulates the use, distribution and production of media content such as radio, television, print media and online media. Press law is a part of this and deals with framework conditions of the press, including freedom of the press, editorial independence, personal rights, media liability and the right of reply. FPS advises media companies on legal matters relating to freedom of expression, including advice on media content and legal representation in proceedings involving the right of reply, injunctive relief and compensation for damages. We possess industry knowledge and offer advice on typical media contracts, cross-media collaborations and freelance authors. We also support Internet platforms in the areas of copyright, consumer protection and data protection. In the event of online legal violations, we successfully cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

    • Metaverse

      The metaverse covers 3D virtual environments where people and businesses interact and move around the virtual world with avatars. It unlocks new business opportunities, but lacks a consistent legal framework. FPS helps its clients to overcome these legal challenges. We find legally robust solutions, offer advice on risk prevention and successfully support metaverse projects.

    • Sports law

      Sport is a global growth market with a considerable volume of sales. FPS possesses wide-ranging expertise and experience in matters concerning the protection and exploitation of valuable marketing rights (through shirt or perimeter advertising, for example) and in the field of sports sponsorship and the marketing of sporting events. We advise clubs, sponsors, sports rights marketers and event organisers, but also individual athletes, player agents and coaches. The focus here is on providing legal advice on corporate, tax, licensing and contract law matters, with a particular focus on sport-specific aspects. FPS also offers interdisciplinary advice and legal project management for large-scale projects such as the construction or conversion of stadiums and arenas (including in the field of public procurement law), the corporate structuring of sports clubs and other contractual arrangements.

    Language skills

    German English
  • Education
    since 2019Partner at FPS 
    1999–2019Lawyer / Managing Partner and Head of IP/IT (2013–2019) at Bear+Wolf/Winterstein Rechtsanwälte
    2003Shearman & Sterling
    1999Admission to practise law in Germany 
     Second state law exam
     First state law exam
  • Memberships
  • Publications
    Thomas Stein Christoph Matras
    Kein Drittschutz arzneimittelrechtlicher Kennzeichnungsvorschriften zugunsten von Markeninhabern (OVG Münster 14.12.2021 – 9 A 1531/16)
    GRUR-Prax, Mai 22, , S. 160
    Thomas Stein
    Die Marke als Unternehmenswert
    Wirtschaftsecho, 10. Nov,
    Thomas Stein
    Brands in the worldwide legal service market
    WTR World Trademark Review / WTR Daily,


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